ThermalTec SIA founded in Valmiera Latvia

With effect from 28.02.2022, the company ThermalTec was founded with its headquarters in Valmiera Latvia and entered in the Commercial Register of Riga. ThermalTec is an application specialist for the processing of various glass and silicate fibers. The corresponding products are used in various industries, including the automotive and aerospace industries.

The shareholders of the new company are Bürger- Glas und Fasertechnik GmbH (BGF), as well as functionaries and co-shareholders of C2M Global GmbH. The products manufactured in Latvia in the future relate to a wide variety of applications in the fields of thermals and acoustics. In addition, new solutions are offered for the areas of fuel cells and batteries. New manufacturing processes and the application of optimized and sustainable coatings are to characterize the company in the future.

“We are looking forward to the production of our newly developed fiber shells and molded parts at our new production site in Latvia. In addition, we can present environmentally friendly and energy-optimized manufacturing processes to our customers and partners,” says Matthias Kroll, Managing Director and shareholder of ThermalTec.

For the financing of the expected high growth rates, the BGF Group could be won as a shareholder and investor. “We are very pleased to be able to accompany these strategic projects with our expertise and experience. We have been involved in the manufacture of products with application temperatures of well over 1000° C for decades. The further development of products in the areas of batteries and fuel cells is in line with our sustainable corporate philosophy,” says Gerhard Bürger, Managing Director BGF Group.
Over the next three years, more than 5.0 million euros are to be invested in the expansion of the company’s own production capacities. The first production lines will go into operation as early as May of this year. The homepage of ThermalTec should go online by mid-April

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